At Markham Centre Financial, we believe in assisting our clients develop a long-term investment strategy with emphasis on quality and diversification selected as per the needs and risk preference of our clients. We want our clients to feel at ease when they invest with us, and regardless of market turbulence that no one can control, we believe our strategy will be able to build and preserve your financial security and lead you towards achieving your financial goals.
Things you can expect from our Investment Consultants at Markham Centre Financial:
- Takes the time to get to know each client and their family – their financial goals, investment style, risk tolerance, time horizon;
- Clearly explains what you need to know about your investments – spend the time to educate our clients on investment topics and answer inquiries to assure our clients are comfortable every step of the way;
- Knowledgeable on a Diversified Portfolio – be able to recommend a portfolio that includes different types of investments that such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, segregated funds that we believe offer the potential for solid performance over time despite market turbulence.
The idea of Investment Management does not solely rely on Investment Returns. In order to have your Investments work for you, many factors such as taxation, asset planning, protection and estate planning influences greatly on your returns – we are here to assist you in building a holistic plan that keeps all of those factors in mind while developing a portfolio that will work for you.
Making your money work for you

Real Estate Funds
We are ready to provide our clients with real estate exposure opportunities in the Canadian market, where clients can collectively enjoy the benefits of owning real estate assets in a diversified portfolio while reaping stable cash flow from the Investment.

Commercial Mortgages
Private mortgage helps diversify our clients away from public markets, where Investors can benefit from consistent and predictable returns, strong credit protection and favourable loss experience.

Publicly traded Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds
Providing the ability for Investors to group money together with other investors and buy stocks, bonds and other investments together is a good strategy to diversify portfolio and risk amongst all participants of the market, which builds a safety net from investing individually while reaping higher rewards through collective gains. Through investing in different markets and investments, we ensure our clients don’t put all of their eggs in one basket and reduces the effects of market turbulence to a minimal.

Private Equity & Private Debt
Diversifying beyond stocks and bonds is crucial in any successful investment portfolio targeted to protect and build wealth for clients. By assisting clients invest in institutional-grade investments that are not correlated to the stock market, we are able to reduce volatility on our client’s portfolios, while giving our clients access to opportunities that they cannot otherwise obtain on their own.

Segregated Funds
Like Mutual Funds, Segregated funds are market-based investments where a large pool of money belonging to many investors are invested in stocks, bonds and other securities with the goal of increasing value of the entire investment pool. The distinct differentiation of the two lies in the fact that segregated fund contracts are insurance contracts where 75 to 100% of the investment is guaranteed when the contract matures, or on death. As well, segregated fund contracts lets you name beneficiaries, hence the death benefit bypasses your estate and goes directly to them, which is a huge advantage for investors seeking a solution for leaving a legacy.

Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)
Tax Free Savings Account is a benefit provided to all Residents of Canada where Investments gains derived from the account is not taxable when withdrawn from the plan. As well, with TFSA, you can designate a successor-holder of your TFSA account without affecting their own contribution room – this will play an important role when discussing strategies on estate planning.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
RRSP is a type of Canadian account for holding savings and investment assets, where your contributions are made with pre-tax dollars and earnings from the account are tax-sheltered as long as the money stays in the account. The account effectively defers taxes on your investment earnings and contributions until the time of withdrawal, where by design, if the withdrawal is completed during your retirement years, your marginal tax rate will be much lower than during your contributing/working years, hence decreasing the amount of taxes you would have to pay.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
A valuable incentive, supported by the Government of Canada, named Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) was designed to foster and motivate Canadian Resident Children to pursue post-secondary education. Canadian government will provide a grant of up to $7,200 per child with an RESP account set up on their behalf by a Subscriber, and the child will be paid out the earnings on the investment contributions and grants upon their 18th birthday when they successfully enrol into a post-secondary educational institution.